I redesigned the infamous IOWA App in 30 minutes

How you can (and should) judge product quality by its UI quality.

Michal Malewicz
UX Collective
Published in
5 min readFeb 7, 2020


Iowa Caucus App redesigned (before and after shot)
Which app do you think is the official one? The one on the left. Sorry for the low quality, most photos of it were at an angle. The design on the right took me 30 minutes to re-do based on the one on the left. Of course it can be further improved, but that’s not the point here. It’s to show the minimal amount of effort.

Last weekend everyone was talking about Iowa. I usually wouldn’t bother covering the controversy here if not for two things. First of all, even though I currently live in Sopot, Poland, Iowa is a significant part of my life. Back in 1999, I finished high-school in Marion…

