Square 6

I had 7 zoom calls in 2020.

My year in review.

Michal Malewicz
3 min readJan 3, 2021


seven zoom calls in 2020

I’m a doer. I hate long meetings that tend to be a way to run away from your “desk” for a moment and procrastinate. In 2020 that time wasting practice has moved largely to zoom.

But because I value my time, I pushed all the unnecessary meetings away. Yes, that’s right: I only had SEVEN zoom calls in 2020. (And a handful of Skypes / Hangouts).

99% of meetings could be replaced by an email with five bullet points.

I understand the need for human connection, a way to get social during a lockdown, but staring at a grid of faces is not socialising. It’s hitting snooze on your life.

Sometimes you just have to

Of course if you’re working your way up the corporate ladder you don’t really have a say in this. You can try and nudge people to use email instead, but it’s likely you’ll have to sit through your fair share of zooms.

But as soon as you gain enough respect and position in the company, start moving the needle towards more efficient ways of…



Michal Malewicz
Michal Malewicz

Written by Michal Malewicz

One design and one lifestyle story per week Redefine education at https://square.one → run https://squareblack.com → talk at https://youtube.com/MalewiczHype

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